Protocol Parameters

Protocol and token parameters for Bodh Finance

Supported Assets:

Collateral Factor

The maximum that can be borrowed on a particular token e.g 80% collateral factor means that you can borrow up to 80% of your collateral’s value.

Reserve Factor

The percentage of the borrower's interest that accrues to the protocol collector contract as a reserve for the ecosystem.

Close Factor

The maximum amount that can be liquidated in a single transaction e.g. 50% close factor means that a maximum of 50% of a liquidatable account's borrow can be repaid in a single liquidate transaction.

Liquidation Incentives

The incentive that is given to the liquidators to perform liquidations and keep the protocol solvent e.g. liquidation incentive of 8% means that liquidators will receive an extra 8% of the borrower's collateral for liquidating the transaction.

Last updated