
BODH Token economics & distribution

BODH is a community-driven money market. More than 50% of the tokens will be distributed to the community & the protocol treasury will be governed by the community. BODH token will govern:

  • Bodh Money Market protocol upgrades.

  • Protocol treasury.




Community Incentives

52% of the total token supply is allocated as community incentives. This will be distributed to:

  1. Lenders and borrowers in Bodh money markets.

  2. Liquidity Providers on selected DEXes.

  3. Airdrop to:

    1. DeFi Users.

    2. Early supporters

Liquidity mining will start with the Retrospective Liquidity Mining event. Airdrop details will be announced soon.


28% of the total token supply is allocated to the protocol treasury which will be controlled by the governance token. Possible distribution may include:

  1. Token buy-back & burn

  2. Protocol contributors

  3. Vested Marketing

  4. Strategic Partners

  5. Bug bounties, grants & Audits

Team & Advisors

13% of the total token supply is allocated to the current team and strategic advisors. These tokens will be vested for 2 years.

Future Team

7% of the total token supply will be allocated to future team members with similar vesting terms as the current team.

Last updated